There are days, when I look in the mirror in the morning, and I am happy with what I see, and then my day is filled with happy thoughts - I don't get angry or frustrated with anyone, I don't feel the need to abuse myself with drugs or alcohol, and I am overall a happy person. But the next day, and sometimes even during the same day, a shift occurs -- I will see myself in a mirror or a window's reflection, and be completely disgusted with myself, and then in a single moment, my perception of my life becomes a pit of despair, and I am desperate to try anything to help me escape my life.
It's in these moments that I realize that what I'm really addicted to is energy.
I'm addicted to feeling good about myself. I'm addicted to the high of having a positive self-image. I'm addicted to being desired, to being loved, to the electricity that runs throughout my body when I feel like I look good. But the thing is, that energy never lasts. It's a fantasy that I create in my mind - when I walk down the street in reality, no one is looking at me and having the thoughts and feeling that I am projecting onto them -- they are just thinking about themselves and their own fantasies - in the same way that I am only thinking and caring about myself. And I when I come down off my energetic high, and realize the reality of what is here, instead of stabilizing myself, I immediately go into the opposite polarity - I get depressed - I have thoughts of "nobody loves me", "I am worthless".
What is fascinating, is that this negative energy goes hand-in-hand with the positive energy. One cannot be had without the other. As much as I would like to believe that I can exist only within the Light and Love as propagated by the New Age Gurus, I have seen and walked through the reality of playing this energy game. I know the Rules -- you can only feel like you're a Winner if you also have been a Loser - and thus it's a vicious cycle.
I recently listened to a really cool interview from someone who talked about how every day, they would take long drives in their car alone, and during that time they would play out all of these fantasies of how they would like their life to be - and how these fantasies would never actually come to fruition, instead the opposite would usually occur. I was listening to this interview while I was in the shower, and I realized that I participate in this exact same point every time I'm alone with myself. I never realized that this was ME - I always figured it was my "mind wandering" - I was letting "my mind" take over and RUN, and then not taking responsibility for the consequences.
I never considered that I am actively reinforcing my cycle of Energetic Disorder by participating in these "fantasies" - that I am creating Who I Am and what I exist as in my life by fantasizing about what I would like my life to be like, feeding off the positive energy of those fantasies - and then fearing facing the reality of what I've allowed myself to become.
This is why I know that I cannot continue to participate in doing drugs or drinking alcohol - because these substances only support me to suppress the reality of myself -- to go deep into energetic fantasy -- and when they wear off, I have been so far gone from reality that I start to believe that my only purpose for living is to get my next fix. However, I also realize that just stopping drugs and alcohol is not a solution -- because I still have the energy addiction -- and if I allow myself to hold onto this addiction without truly investigating how I created it -- I will just find another method to escape reality, and I will be on this Energetic Roller coaster until the day I die.
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